
由MJHuff著作·2022·被引用1次—Collectively,ourfindingsthatSansForgeticayieldsnobenefitsoncorrectorfalsememorieswithintheDRMparadigmprovidefurtherevidence ...,,由JGeller著作·被引用25次—Ifanything,wefoundsomeevidencethatSansForgeticamaybe.405detrimentaltomemory(alsoseeTayloretal.,2020).Thisstudyprovidesfurtherevidence ...,由JGeller著作·2020·被引用25次—Whileevidenceismixed,recentclaimssuggestthatpl...

Distinctive Sans Forgetica font does not benefit memory ...

由 MJ Huff 著作 · 2022 · 被引用 1 次 — Collectively, our findings that Sans Forgetica yields no benefits on correct or false memories within the DRM paradigm provide further evidence ...

Sans Forgetica

由 J Geller 著作 · 被引用 25 次 — If anything, we found some evidence that Sans Forgetica may be. 405 detrimental to memory (also see Taylor et al., 2020). This study provides further evidence ...

Sans Forgetica is not desirable for learning

由 J Geller 著作 · 2020 · 被引用 25 次 — While evidence is mixed, recent claims suggest that placing materials in Sans Forgetica, a perceptually difficult-to-process typeface, has positive impacts ...

Previously claimed memory boosting font “Sans Forgetica”…

2020年5月29日 — After four experiments, they found no evidence of memory-boosting effects. The four experiments included: 1. Establishing the extent to which ...

Sans Forgetica font doesn't actually boost memory

2020年5月28日 — Across the four experiments with 882 people, the researchers found that in Experiment One, Sans Forgetica felt harder to read compared to Arial.

Sans Forgetica

2022年5月23日 — Research has not found convincing evidence that Sans Forgetica achieves its goal of facilitating deeper processing and increasing memory ...

(PDF) Sans Forgetica is Not the “Font” of Knowledge

A new disfluent font, Sans Forgetica, was developed and alleged to promote deeper processing and improve learning. Although it would be invaluable if changing ...

Previously claimed memory boosting font 'Sans Forgetica' ...

2020年5月28日 — It was previously claimed that the font Sans Forgetica could enhance people's memory for information, however researchers have found after ...

Proposed "Memory

2020年6月2日 — It was previously claimed that the font Sans Forgetica could enhance people's memory for information, however researchers from the ...